
Since 2006, the Partnership has supported the development of dozens of community-engaged coursesintegrating Jewish and Arab students' action for social change, social justice and human rights. These courses have been implemented at 15 universities and colleges throughout Israel – from Tel-Hai College in the north, to Ben-Gurion University's Eilat campus in the south. They have encompassed a wide range of disciplines and fields of knowledge including law, sociology, gender studies, human rights, art, music, architecture, regional planning, social work, education, geography, political science, and environmental studies.


For lists of the courses we supported in the years 2006-2011 click here.

For lists of the social change organizations click here.


Since the 2011/12 academic year, we have continued to advance community-engaged courses by:

  • Advising faculty members who teach community-engaged courses or are interested in developing such courses.
  • Advancing cooperation and partnerships between community-engaged courses and social change organizations.
  • Developing research, documentation and writing to allow dissemination of knowledge in the field.
  • Continuing to hold study days and workshops for joint study, reflection, and upholding of faculty members, civil society organizations, and representatives of institutions of higher education involved in community-engagement programs.