Recommended Resources in English
Markovich, Dalya Y., Daphna Golan, and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (eds.) Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones: Engaging Students for Transformative Change ( Palgrave Macmillan London, 2019)
Golan, D. Rosenfeld J and Orr Z.(eds.) Bridges of Knowledge: Campus-Community Partnerships in Israel (Tel Aviv; Mofet, 2017) in Hebrew
Golan-Agnon, D. (ed.) Inequality in Education, Tel Aviv: Babel, 2004 (in Hebrew)
Strier, Roni. “Fields of Paradox: University–community Partnerships.” Higher Education (November 30, 2013): 1–11.
Strier, Ron. “Responding to the Global Economic Crisis: Inclusive Social Work Practice.”Social Work 58, no. 4 (October 1, 2013): 344–353.
Golan D. and N. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, “Engaged Academia in a Conflict Zone? Palestiniand and Jewish Students in Israel” in Dalya Yafa Markovich, Daphna Golan, and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (eds.) Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones: Engaging Students for Transformative Change ( Palgrave Macmillan London, 2019) 15-38
Goldner L, and D.Golan, “What is meaningful civic engagement for students? Recollections of Jewish and Palestinian graduates in Israel”, Studies in Higher Education, (May, 2018).
Goldner L. and D. Golan, "The Long Term Effects of Youth Mentoring on Student- Mentors' Civic-Engagement Attitudes and Behavior" Journal of Community Psychology. (2017) 1-13
Golan D. Jona Rosenfeld and Z. Orr, (2017) "Campus-Community Partnerships in Israel: Commitment, Continuity, Capabilities and Context", in Golan, D. Rosenfeld J. and Orr Z. Bridges of Knowledge: Campus-Community Partnerships in Israel (Tel Aviv; Mofet, 2017) 9-44
Golan D. and N. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, “Jewish and Palestinian Arab Students in Israel: Education and the Denial f Politics in Community-Engaged Courses" in Golan, D. Rosenfeld J. and Orr Z. Bridges of Knowledge: Campus-Community Partnerships in Israel (Tel Aviv; Mofet, 2017)
Addes, D. & Keene, A. (2006.0 Grassroots community development at UMass Amherst: The professorless classroom. In Students as colleagues: Expanding the Circle of Service-Learning Leadership, E. Zlotkowski, N. Longo & J. R. Williams (Eds.), Providence, RI: Campus Compact, pp. 227-240.
Ash, S.L, and P.H. Clayton. (2004.) The articulated learning: an approach to guided reflection and assessment. Innovative Higher Education 29 (2): 137-154.
Astin, Alexander W., Vogelgesang, Lori J., Ikeda, Elaine K., & Yee, Jennifer A. 2000. How service learning affects students. Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, University of California – Los Angeles.
Beaumont, E., A. Colby, E. Thomas and J. Torney-Purta. 2006. Promoting political competence and engagement in college students: An empirical study. Journal of Political Science Education 2(3): 249-270.
Billig, Shelley H. and Eyler, Janet. (Eds.) (2003). Deconstructing service-learning: Research exploring context, participation and impacts. Greenwich, CN: Information Age Publishing.
Boyte, Harry C. & Farr, James. (1997.) The work of citizenship and the problem of service learning.In Experiencing citizenship, Battistoni, Richard & Hudson, William (Eds.). Washington: American Association of Higher Education.
Burawoy, Michael. (2005.) 2004 Presidential address: For public sociology. American Sociological Review 70: 4-28.
Campus Compact. (2000.) Introduction to service-learning toolkit: Readings and resources for faculty. Providence, Rhode Island: Campus Compact, Brown University.
Colby, Anne, Beaumont, Elizabeth, Erlich, Thomas and Corngold, Josh. (2007). Educating for democracy: Preparing undergraduates for responsible political engagement. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Galston, William. (2001.) Political knowledge, political engagement and civic education. Annual Review of Political Science 4: 217-234.
Giles, D.W. and J. Eyler. (1999.) Where's the learning in service learning? San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishing.
Gleit, Heidi J. (2007.) Social Connections. Scopus, 18-19.
Golan, Daphna. (2010.) Between Human Rights and Hope – What Israelis Might Learn from the Truth and Reconciliation Process in South Africa. International Review of Victimology, 17: 31–48
Kaufman, Roni. (2006.) A University-Community Partnership to Change Public Policy: Pre-Conditions and Processes. Journal of Community Practice, 12 (3-4): 163-180.
Lazarus, J., Erasmus, M., Hendricks, D., Nduna, J. and Slamat, J. (2008). Embedding community engagement in South African higher education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. 3(1): 59-85.
Ostrander, Susan A. (2004.) Democracy, civic participation and the university: A comparative study of civic engagement on five campuses. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33 (1): 74-93.
Shlesinger, Miriam. (2007) Making the most of settling for less. Forum – Journal of Translation Studies, 5(2): 147-170.
Shlesinger, Miriam. (2010.) Medical Interpreting for Improved Health Care, Bar Ilan University.
Stanton, Timothy K., Giles Jr., Dwight E., Cruz, Nadinne I. (1999.) Service learning: A movement's pioneers reflect on its origins, practice, and future.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Strier, Roni. (2011). The construction of university-community partnerships: Entangled perspectives. Higher Education, volume 62(1).
Watson, David., Hollister, Robert., Stroud, Susan E., and Babcock, Elizabeth (2011). The engaged university: International perspectives on civic engagement. Routledge
Welch, Marshall and Billig, Shelley H. (Eds.) (2004). New perspectives in service-learning: Research to advance the field. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Civic Engagement in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education) [Hardcover]
Service-Learning in Theory and Practice: The Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education [Paperback] Dan W. Butin (Author)
The Unheard Voices: Community Organizations and Service Learning [Paperback]
Randy Stoecker (Editor), Elizabeth A. Tryon (Editor)
Civic Responsibility and Higher Education Thomas Ehrlich
Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Comparative Perspectives [Hardcover]
Lorraine McIlrath (Editor), Ann Lyons (Editor), Ronaldo Munck (Editor)
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